We have interviewed our cast members so you can get to know them.
Meet Tania Coke!
What is your role in ‘Disturbance’?
I play Jane who is the wife of Tony and mother of Hannah and Tom.
Tell us briefly about your work as an artist
I’m an actor and director specialising in Corporeal Mime - a theatrical artform based on body and action. Together with my husband Kentaro Suyama I run a theatre company called tarinainanika. We create original shows such as Tokyo Fugue, which we perform in Japan and abroad. We both trained and worked for many years in London with Steven Wasson and Corinne Soum, the last assistants of Etienne Decroux, the founder of Corporeal Mime. Kentaro and I have just moved to Osaka where we’re setting up our own theatre space to teach, create, perform and invite others to share their work. We hope our friends in Tokyo will come and visit!
What attracts you about ‘Disturbance’?
There are many things about this project which are new for me. I’m not used to starting the creative process from the written word or from music. I usually start from physical improvisation. So I’ve enjoyed trying out the very different process involved in creating Disturbance.
One of the reasons I was drawn to this particular story and its characters is my background in mediation. My work as a mediator in community and workplace conflicts has made me wary of labels such as “victim” and “aggressor”. I wanted to see if I could get beyond these labels in interpreting the role of Jane.
And then there’s the creative team. I was excited to have this opportunity to work with the director Rachel whom I admire greatly. And I was impressed by the subtlety of Ivy’s poetry and the mind-boggling range of styles within Mark’s music.